Spring Safety Forum
Thu, Apr 07
Please join us for our annual safety forum on April 7th, 2022 . This webinar will have 2 sessions. (9:30AM & 1:00PM) Focusing on our newly launched Silica Tool.

Time & Location
Apr 07, 2022, 9:30 a.m.
About the event
The Silica Control Tool TM is a resource for ARHCA members. The Tool assists employers in conducting appropriate risk assessments and implementing effective controls and safe work practices where Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS) dust may be an occupational hazard.
The key benefits of the tool to employers are:
• Help to ensure the health and safety of workers
• Assist in complying with the requirements of the OHS Regulation relating to assessing and controlling RCS dust exposures to below the allowable exposure limit.
• In some situations, eliminate the need for air monitoring tests for planned work processes
• Preparation of specific process-based ECP templates that can be tailored for each jobsite.
Click here to sign up today to learn more!